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Computers once had such small memories that Windows couldn't remember where it put its keys without registering them (it still can't, actually), but today's PCs have so much random access memory (RAM) that Windows can do much more than walk and chew gum at the same time, computationally speaking. Plenty of PCs still come up short in the RAM department, though, including a lot of older machines struggling to keep up with today's bloated Web sites and high-quality multimedia. For those PCs, the answer is the same today as it was way back then: a tool that monitors your system's memory and frees it up when it drops below a certain point. PGWARE's SuperRam is an up-to-date shareware release of this venerable class of utility. It runs in the background and frees up memory resources on demand.


Optimize RAM for make free his space
Clean RAM memory from Junk files
Manage Free space of RAM
Full automatic
Show full informatin about your RAM
Support from large space RAM
Beautiful and new interface

Download with Patch


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